
Sustainable and Efficient Way to Produce and store Beet Sugar

Beet sugar production plays a significant role in the global sugar industry, contributing both to economic growth and food security. However, it is crucial to recognize that beet sugar production poses several challenges, most notably to farmers and the environment.

The project is designed around ESG, supply chain sustainability, and diversification for the Beet sugar supply chain through innovation to bypass unnecessary steps in the supply chain and processing to establish a direct route in the supply chain for industrial use, with a new commodity raw beet sugar similar to raw cane sugar.



The beet sugar industry faces a number of challenges, including post-harvesting storage and handling. Sugar beets are a perishable crop, and they must be processed within a few weeks of harvest. This can be difficult to do in Michigan, where the harvest season is often short and unpredictable. As a result, sugar beets are often stored in piles outdoors, where they are exposed to the elements and can be damaged by pests and diseases.

This storage method is not only inefficient, but it can also be harmful to the environment. The piles of sugar beets release methane, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. Additionally, the piles can attract pests and rodents, which can spread diseases to other crops.



NuVive's CFD technology is a new and innovative way to store and process beet sugar. The technology uses a process called "cavitation flash drying" to dry the sugar beets into a powder. This powder can then be stored for months or even years without losing its quality. Additionally, the powder is much easier to transport than whole sugar beets, which can save money on transportation costs.

The CFD technology is a more sustainable way to store and process beet sugar. The process does not release methane into the atmosphere, and it does not attract pests or rodents. Additionally, the powder can be used to make a variety of products, including sugar, ethanol, and bioplastics.

Example Products


Sugar beets have the potential to be a more sustainable and economical source of ethanol production than corn. Here are some of the advantages of using sugar beets for ethanol production:

  • Higher yield per acre: Sugar beets yield about twice as much ethanol per acre as corn.

  • Less water-intensive: Sugar beets require less water than corn, which is important in areas with limited water resources. Sugar beets, which are mostly water, use 40 percent less water for growth than corn does.

  • Less land-intensive: Sugar beets can be grown in a wider range of climates than corn, which means that they can be grown in areas where land is more expensive.

  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Ethanol made from sugar beets produces about 30% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than ethanol made from corn. The CI score for ethanol from sugar beets is 28.5 g CO2e/MJEtOH which is lower than the CI score for ethanol from corn, which is 34 g CO2e/MJEtOH.


Ethanol is a type of biofuel that is produced from biomass, such as sugar beet, corn, sugarcane, and wheat. Ethanol can be used to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) through a process called the ethanol-to-jet (ETJ) process.

The carbon score of SAF produced from ethanol is estimated to be lower than the carbon score of conventional jet fuel. This is because SAF does not contain any fossil fuels, and the carbon emissions from its production are relatively low.


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The global beet sugar market is valued at $4.31 billion and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.7% from 2021 to 2026. The growth of the market is being driven by increasing demand for sugar from developing countries, such as China and India.

The United States is the third largest producer of beet sugar in the world. The Michigan beet sugar industry is worth an estimated $1 billion and employs over 10,000 people.

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The NuVive management team is composed of experienced professionals with a proven track record in the food and beverage industry. The team has a deep understanding of the challenges facing the beet sugar industry and is committed to developing innovative solutions that will benefit farmers, processors, and consumers.



NuVive projects that the CFD technology will generate revenue in its first year of operation. The company plans to cultivate 1000 acres of beet sugar in incremental 100 acres at multiple locations. The expected yield is 30 tons/acre using the CFD processing technology. The company plans to generate a stock of beet powder approximately 9,000 tons with a market value over $10 million. The company expects to be profitable within three years.




NuVive is developing a new and innovative technology that has the potential to revolutionize the beet sugar industry.


The technology is more sustainable and efficient than traditional methods of storing and processing beet sugar.


The market for beet sugar is large and growing , this technology will bring it the mainstream with the government Financial support as a sustainable resource .


The NuVive management team is experienced and has a proven track record in the food and beverage industry.

Validate and Develop

This will Validate and develop sugar beet crop as the source for ethanol production and bioplastic. READ MORE

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Call To


NuVive believes that the CFD technology has the potential to revolutionize the beet sugar industry and make a positive impact on the environment. We are excited to partner with investors who share our vision and who are committed to making a difference in the world.

NuVive is seeking funding to implement it's technology on a commercial scale. The funding will be used to build and operate a pilot plant, and to conduct market research.

Benefits of

The Project

The NuVive project has the potential to provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased yield and profitability for sugar beet farmers

  • Reduced costs and improved efficiency for sugar processors

  • More affordable and sustainable non-GMO sugar products for consumers

  • Reduced environmental impact of beet sugar production

  • Diversify sugar beet crop for using ethanol and bioplastic




Produce and Store

Sustainable and Efficient Way to Produce and store Beet Sugar

CFD Technology

Sugar Beet in Field Handling and Drying that Harnesses The Power of Hydrodynamic Cavitation
DOWNLOAD Intro Video

Ethanol Production

Sugar Beet Sustainable and Efficient for Ethanol Production


Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) from Ethanol

Hydroponic Sugar Beet Production

A Sustainable Alternative That involves Hydroponic Crop Cultivation

Carbon Score

Carbon Score and Sequestering Potential of Sugar Beets

Economic Feasibility

Economic Feasibility of Ethanol Production from Sugar Beets

Climate Economy

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change

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We are excited to partner with people who share our vision and who are committed to making a difference in the world. Why wait?
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4655 Patterson Ave SE STE C
Grand Rapids, MI. 49512


+1 616 617 5896

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